estornell extra virgin olive oil

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This area is located in the western edge of the central valley of Catalonia. Its main features are the dryness of its climate and a wild vegetation made of bushes and hawthorns, with some scattered holm oak forests. A system made of deep gorges and dry torrents, carry scarce drops of water to the "Set" River, in a climate with 380 to 400 ml. of rain water each year.
The olive tree is visable everywhere, together with the almond tree and some vineyards. The unevenness of the soil is systematically organized through terraces, a method similar to the one used in Priorato. The landscape looks tough, severe and honorable.
The hot summers are followed by cold winters, cold enough to eliminate most of the plagues that attack the olive tree.


elaboracion elaboracion 3. Harvesting and transportation to the mill
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