estornell extra virgin olive oil

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For generations the name Veá has represented the highest level of quality for cultivation of olive trees and the production of excellent Extra Virgin Olive oils.

Today a member of Veá's family still maintains these principles and strives to surpass these levels each year. Veá has developed new extraction methods and, at the same time, rigorously preserved the traditional methods for harvesting and selecting. Today our goal is still to select only the better oils for bottling under our L'Estornell, VEÀ and Les Costes brands. Today our oils rank among the best in the world.

There are several factors that combined determine the quality and characteristics of a good olive oil. -the olive variety, the land, the harvesting, the climate, the care when collecting the olives, the hability at milling and the art of “coupage” or blending the olive juices. Above all however, there is the dedication of the producer and their persistant commitment to adhere to their own principals.

The unquestionnable integrity of the Veá Family affects each and every one of the steps in the creation and commercialization of their fine oils.


Purchase of the first Arbequina olive grove in the area. Domingo Veá Santclement
Magi Veá Sentis


Purchase of the land and building where the company is currently located. Domingo Veá Santclement
Josep Veá Farre
Registration of the company VEÀ S.A.
The name remains the same to this day.
Josep Veà Farre


Purchase of the first Continuous System in Spain for oil extraction
Until then, mats were used, and oil extraction was done by pressing.
Substantial improvement in oil quality.
Jose Veà Farre
Avelino Veà Esquerda

First exports of Extra Virgin Olive Oil to Italy
Until that time, olive oil sales were regulated by the State.
Sales of bulk Olive Oil, which was later bottled in Italy.
Avelino Veà Esquerda

Registro de la marca L'Estornell
We began bottling oil under our own brand.
Avelino Veà Esquerda

Creation of a subsidiary in the United States: VEÀ North America
Due to the difficulty of introducing high-quality Spanish Olive Oil, we decided to create our own import company, first in Chicago, and later in Oakland.
Avelino Veà Esquerda

Expansion of the company
Bottling plant and storage facility
Avelino Veà Esquerda

avelino y gerard


Import agreement for the USA with DeMedici Imports Ltd
After several years of introducing our products, we reached an agreement with one of the best importers for Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Avelino Veà Esquerda
Gerard Veà Balona

Distribution agreement for Spain with Distribuidora de Primeras Marcas
Espanyol Primeras Marcas
Avelino Veà Esquerda
Gerard Veà Balona



TEL +34 973 12 60 00 | FAX +34 973 16 62 25 | | Sarroca de Lleida | Spain | © 1996-2024 VEÁ S.A.

Política de Privacidad


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